Pregnancy Superfoods for Each Trimester


Pregnancy Superfoods for Each Trimester

Zoe Martin, Certified Health Coach

It’s no surprise that food during pregnancy makes a difference for both you and your baby. But did you know that your nutritional needs change at different stages of your pregnancy?

Getting enough of what you and your baby need supports a healthy pregnancy by preventing birth defects and ensures that you step into motherhood after the birth, feeling your strongest self. 

So, what nutrients do you need most of each trimester? And what are the best foods to eat?

Let’s look at some pregnancy “superfoods” for each trimester. The foods that have more of the vitamins and minerals you and your baby need most at this time. 


In the 1st trimester, your baby’s organs are being formed. We want to eat foods with the nutrients to support healthy cell multiplication. This will help prevent birth defects as your baby’s major organs like her brain and heart are being formed. 

We want to eat green leafy vegetables, fruit, and legumes because they have nutrients like folate and zinc to support a healthy organ development.

Tip: a majority of women experience nausea and food aversions in the 1st trimester. If you are one of them, and can’t stomach the thought of greens, make sure you take a good quality prenatal supplement with folate in it and not folic acid.

First trimester superfoods

  • Avocado

  • Spinach

  • Garbanzo beans

My favorite first trimester meal
Baby spinach and cherry tomatoes tossed though chickpea pasta


In the second trimester, your baby’s bones and teeth are being formed and we want to support that. My favorite foods this trimester are rich in calcium and vitamin D and magnesium for healthy bone and teeth development.

These nutrients work together for your body to absorb calcium and to give it to your baby. Studies show that if a mother doesn’t provide enough calcium for her baby during pregnancy; her baby will draw the calcium she needs from the mother’s bones. This can “hollow out” the mother’s bones, and she becomes more at risk for bone breakages later in life.

Second trimester superfoods

  • Whole-milk cheese or yoghurt 

  • Broccoli 

  • Salmon (fresh or canned)

My favorite second trimester snacks

High-protein snacks like Greek yoghurt topped with frozen berries and hard-boiled eggs on avocado toast.

Check out my IGTV video on how to make the perfect hard-boiled eggs.

Tip: make sure your dairy is whole-milk dairy (not skim or low fat). Your body needs the healthy fats in dairy to help absorb the fat-soluble vitamins that dairy contains. Vitamins like vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, while vitamin K helps your body store calcium in your bones.


In your third trimester, your baby’s brain is developing at a very rapid pace. We can support that by eating enough brain-loving DHA omega-3s. Research shows that babies whose mothers ate enough DHA omega-3s during pregnancy, had higher IQs and brain function for many years into childhood and adolescence.

DHA omega-3s are also anti-inflammatory so they improve your heart, gut, and skin health. Some studies also link DHA omega-3s to the prevention of postpartum depression.

Third trimester superfoods

  • Salmon

  • Egg yolks

  • Chia seeds 

TIP: if you can’t stomach seafood, find a DHA omega-3 supplement made from algae. Some prenatal vitamins like Premama Wellness and Naturelo already contain algae for this reason.

My favorite third trimester meal

East roast salmon

There are so many other foods you can eat during your pregnancy to make sure you and your baby get enough of what you need most.

Pregnancy is an emotional, and sometimes uncomfortable time. You can take the guess work out of food during pregnancy with the Bella Mama Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy.

We cover what to eat each month of pregnancy, with nutrition tips and recipes, plus ways on how to eliminate toxins and support your holistic health, so you can improve your baby’s development, and get your best start to motherhood.

Zoe is a Certified Health Coach with a focus on pregnancy and pre-pregnancy health. After five years at the United Nations, Zoe decided to pursue a passion for pregnancy health after she struggled to find resources that made food during pregnancy easy to understand and accessible to the modern woman who wants her best transition into motherhood. Zoe lives in New York with her husband, son, and daughter.