Bioidentical Hormone Replacement for Weight Loss: How Hormones Affect Your Body and Health 


Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (or BHRT for short) uses plant-derived hormones that mimic the effects of those naturally produced by the body. These hormones can come in many forms, including pills, gels, patches, creams, and pellets. 

BHRT can be used to treat many issues and assist with weight loss for those who struggle to see results from more conventional methods. Several hormones are integral to weight regulation and metabolism, including estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, insulin, and thyroid hormones. 

It’s not always easy to decide if BHRT is the right weight loss solution for you. If you’re on the fence, this guide can help. 

It breaks down the science, benefits, risks, and controversies surrounding BHRT. It also provides insight into complementary and alternative options. 

The Science of Hormones and Weight Loss 

Numerous hormones influence one’s ability to lose or gain weight or maintain their current body composition. 

For example, the hormones leptin and ghrelin influence one’s feeling of hunger and fullness. When these hormones are imbalanced, it’s harder to resist cravings and know when you’ve eaten enough, both of which can lead to weight gain. 

Hormones also interact and impact each other (and your weight). The following are some of the most critical interactions to understand: 

  • Thyroid-Estrogen Connection: Estrogen dominance (imbalanced estrogen and progesterone levels) can contribute to an underactive thyroid; hypothyroidism is often associated with weight gain and difficulty losing weight.   

  • Testosterone-Cortisol Tradeoff: Elevated cortisol interferes with testosterone production; low testosterone is associated with weight gain because it hinders muscle development, and muscle mass contributes to a faster metabolism.  

  • Insulin-Leptin Signaling: Leptin (a fullness hormone) and insulin (a hormone that contributes to balanced blood sugar) directly regulate each other. Leptin also increases insulin sensitivity, which helps with weight loss and maintenance. 

Issues with any of these hormones can interfere with your weight loss efforts, increase your risk of obesity, and contribute to the myriad of health issues associated with carrying excess weight (such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and coronary artery disease). 

BHRT for Weight Loss 

Because hormones significantly impact appetite, calorie burning, fat storage, blood sugar balance, and muscle mass, it’s essential for them all to be properly balanced if you want to lose weight and keep it off. 

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can assist with this. BHRT can replace deficient hormones, block excess hormones, and modulate the body’s hormone receptors. 

Many people find that after undergoing BHRT, they experience a faster metabolism and fewer cravings. They also experience other benefits that aren’t directly related to their weight, such as improved mood and cognition, better sleep, and faster post-workout recovery. 

Why are Bioidentical Hormones Used?

Your hormone level decreases as you age. Among them are estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. 

Biomedical hormones can be used to supplement or regulate natural hormone levels in the body, potentially alleviating symptoms associated with hormone imbalances.

For example, BHRT may be used to treat menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and mood changes. BHRT uses hormones that are structurally identical to the hormones naturally produced in the body, which may reduce the risk of adverse effects compared to synthetic hormones.

Despite this lack of evidence, bioidentical hormones are a comparable treatment to conventional hormone therapy. Your doctor will discuss whether hormone replacement therapy is the right option for you.

The Benefits and Risks of BHRT for Weight Loss 

Men and women have seen significant improvements in their weight loss and maintenance efforts after using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. 

BHRT can balance the sex hormones (including estrogen and testosterone) that contribute to proper thyroid function and support muscle growth. 

It also helps to regulate hunger and fullness hormones to combat cravings and make it easier to maintain a healthy diet, and it combats prolonged elevated stress hormone (cortisol) levels, which can interfere with testosterone levels and contribute to weight gain. 

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a safe and straightforward way to manage your weight. You work with a licensed medical professional to choose the appropriate hormone levels and the delivery method that will work best for you. Many people see results within the first couple of weeks, too. 

Side Effects and Risks 

Of course, BHRT, like any medical treatment, has its limitations. It does come with some potential side effects and health risks, including the following:  

  • Breast tenderness 

  • Fluid retention (bloating) 

  • Acne 

  • Hair loss 

  • Enlarged prostate 

  • Blood clots 

The field of BHRT does not have much standardization or regulation right now, either. 

This means you need to work hard to find the right provider. Choose someone who will factor in your unique medical history, hormone levels, and goals and ensure you get personalized dosing. 

The Alternatives and Complements to BHRT for Weight Loss 

If you’re on the fence about BHRT, there are other strategies you can use to lose weight. These methods will also complement your BHRT treatments and help you see results sooner: 

  • Change your diet: Eating a whole foods-based diet and reducing calorie intake will help you avoid overeating and gaining weight. 

  • Exercise regularly: A consistent exercise routine, particularly one that includes strength training to build muscle mass and support the metabolism, can improve your weight loss efforts. 

  • Manage your stress: Elevated cortisol interferes with weight loss; strive to manage your stress with techniques like meditation and yoga. 

  • Get enough sleep: Poor sleep interferes with hormone levels and can make it harder for you to lose weight. 

You can also utilize complementary therapies like acupuncture, massage, and psychotherapy to manage your stress, develop healthy habits, and improve your overall well-being. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Does taking bioidentical hormones help you lose weight?

Bioidentical hormone therapy may help your body regain hormone balance, thereby allowing certain hormones in your body to lose weight and improve your sleep and metabolism.

How long does it take to lose weight on bioidentical hormones?

The length of time it takes to lose weight on bioidentical hormones varies depending on several factors, including age, gender, starting weight, and lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise habits. In general, sustainable weight loss requires a combination of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and consistency over time. 

Does bioidentical progesterone cause weight loss?

It should be noted that Progesterone can cause no immediate weight gain. It also reduces other hormones in skeletal tissues that cause excess weight gain. 

Which hormones help with weight loss?

Understanding how bioidentical hormones affect weight management can help you choose the most effective treatment option, in addition to a healthy diet and proper exercise.

These hormones all play vital roles in regulating weight.

  • Testosterone: Predominantly found in men, and is responsible for breaking down fat stored in the body, especially in the abdomen.

  • Estrogen: Plays a crucial role in women's appetite and cravings.

  • Progesterone: Facilitates the conversion of stored fat into energy. When hormone levels become unbalanced or depleted, weight management becomes challenging, leading to weight gain or loss.

  • Pregnenolone: A steroid hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating other hormones, increasing metabolism, boosting energy levels, and enhancing mood.

  • Insulin: A hormone that carries glucose to the cells, regulating fat metabolism and releasing the body's energy while maintaining balanced glucose levels.

When these hormones become imbalanced or depleted, weight gain or loss can occur, making it difficult to manage weight effectively. Incorporating bioidentical hormone therapy into your weight loss regimen can help optimize your hormone levels and facilitate weight loss.

What are the side effects of bioidentical hormones?

After your first dose, your body will need time to adjust to the new level of hormones. This can cause uncomfortable side effects such as -  weight gain, blurry vision, acne, increased facial hair, breast tenderness, spotting/cramping, bloating and mood swings. 

What is the difference between HRT and bioidentical hormones?

The main difference between the BHRT vs HHRT is the materials used. BHRT can be extracted by plants and has chemically similar hormone levels to those your body naturally produces. 


Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy - as long as it is personalized and provided by a licensed medical professional - is a viable option for those struggling to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.  

By addressing underlying hormonal imbalances, you set yourself up to lose weight more sustainably and combat other issues like fatigue, blood sugar swings and crashes, and prolonged stress.  

Remember the information discussed so you can make the right decision for your needs and goals.  

Want to learn more about BHRT & Holistic Health? Book a free consultation with our team today.