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Overcoming Chronic Fatigue: A Holistic Care Perspective on Restoring Energy and Well-Being

Chronic fatigue negatively affects energy levels and overall quality of life for between 836,000 and 2.6 million Americans. 

If you struggle with this condition, you know how frustrating it can be to try and navigate daily life while coping with debilitating fatigue. You also know how difficult it can be to find solutions that improve your energy levels and overall well-being. 

For many chronic fatigue sufferers, a holistic or functional medicine approach is the most effective treatment option. In this article, you’ll learn more about the benefits of these solutions and the different modalities you can use to address chronic fatigue. 

Understanding Chronic Fatigue 

Before we explore the benefits of holistic care in managing chronic fatigue, it’s essential to understand the basics of this often misunderstood condition. For example, how does chronic fatigue differ from temporary fatigue? 

Everyone feels tired from time to time—sometimes that tiredness lasts for days or even weeks. For those with chronic fatigue, though, the feeling of physical and mental exhaustion goes on for months. 

To be diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, specifically, fatigue must last for at least six months. Symptoms such as extreme exhaustion, cognitive difficulties, muscle or joint pain, and dizziness must also worsen with physical or mental activity and not improve fully with rest. 

Causes of Chronic Fatigue 

Chronic fatigue is a complex condition without a singular cause. The following are some of the most well-known factors that may contribute to it: 

  • Genetics: Those with relatives who struggle with chronic fatigue are more likely to develop it themselves. 

  • Infections: Some people may experience chronic fatigue as a lingering condition after experiencing a viral or bacterial infection. 

  • Trauma: In some cases, chronic fatigue develops after experiencing physical or emotional trauma. 

  • Energy usage problems: Chronic fatigue sometimes results from difficulty converting fats and sugars into energy. 

Some people are also at a greater risk of developing chronic fatigue based on other factors. For example, this condition most commonly affects young and middle-aged adults. Women are diagnosed more often than men, too, as are those who have a history of other complex health problems, such as fibromyalgia. 

Because chronic fatigue is such a complicated and multifaceted condition, it makes sense that a multi-pronged, holistic approach would be more effective at treating it. 

The Role of Holistic Care in Restoring Energy and Well-Being 

Holistic care can be highly effective at restoring energy and vitality compared, primarily because its practitioners tend to take a patient-centered approach. They treat each patient as an individual and strive to develop a collaborative partnership as they work with them to identify and address the root causes of their symptoms. 

What separates holistic care and functional medicine from conventional medicine? Here are some of the key differentiators:  

  • Conventional medicine treats the disease and tries to eliminate symptoms; Functional medicine focuses on the patient and identifies the underlying physical, psychological, and spiritual issues causing their symptoms. 

  • Conventional medicine often takes a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment; Functional medicine uses varying combinations of modalities, including medication, diet changes, mind-body practices, and more, to address patients’ conditions. 

  • Conventional medicine frequently associates illness with characteristics inherent to the body like genetic anomalies. In contrast, functional medicine identifies illness as stemming from environmental exposures, nutritional imbalances, stress triggers, emotional well-being, and lifestyle choices

Some people assume that holistic care entirely eschews conventional treatments like medication or surgery. That’s not the case, though. Instead, holistic providers combine conventional treatments that relieve symptoms with other modalities that address the root cause of symptoms and prevent them from returning. 

Lifestyle Modifications for Enhanced Energy 

A holistic approach to restoring energy in those with chronic fatigue involves addressing many lifestyle factors. 

The following are some of the most well-known factors that can influence fatigue and energy levels: 

  • Sleep: Poor sleep (quality or quantity) will naturally cause you to feel more tired, less focused, etc. 

  • Nutrition: A nutrient-poor diet may interfere with the body’s ability to convert nutrients into energy. 

  • Physical activity: A lack of physical activity can worsen feelings of physical and mental exhaustion.  

  • Stress management: Chronic stress is taxing to the body and mind and can contribute to chronic fatigue. 

Often, a combination of these factors results in chronic fatigue. For example, poor stress management and an unhealthy diet can interfere with sleep quality and quantity.  

How can you make positive lifestyle changes that increase energy? Here are some practical modifications you can start incorporating into your routine today: 

Delegate and Ask for Help 

Chronic stress and a pages-long to-do list can cause or worsen your chronic fatigue. Some research suggests a link between elevated cortisol (a stress hormone) and chronic fatigue syndrome. 

While you work to increase energy and combat chronic fatigue, you must ask for help and minimize the number of tasks you expect yourself to complete each day. 

Reach out to friends and family members. You can also take advantage of tools like meal and grocery delivery services to reduce your stress further. 

Eat More Whole Foods 

Your diet could also be worsening your fatigue. If you eat a lot of processed foods, particularly foods high in refined sugar,  you may experience more frequent blood sugar spikes and crashes (which tend to cause fatigue). 

Focus on whole foods, including a variety of fruits and vegetables, to control your blood sugar. Eating more of these foods will also help you ensure you’re getting all the vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients your body needs to thrive and function correctly. 

Exercise Regularly 

When you deal with chronic fatigue, the last thing you likely want to do is exercise. However, regular movement (even gentle movement like stretching) can improve blood and oxygen flow to the brain, which can help you feel more alert

If you have a hard time sleeping at night, exercising during the day can also help you feel more tired at bedtime and sleep more soundly

Stay Hydrated 

The body consists of 55-60 percent water. Numerous organs and organ systems require water to function correctly. If you’re dehydrated, your body has to work harder to carry out various processes, which can cause you to feel more fatigued during the day. 

Make sure you drink enough water—half your weight in ounces is a good place to start. Consider adding some electrolytes as well to help move water into your cells more efficiently. 

Consume Caffeine Strategically 

Drinking caffeine too late in the day can keep you awake at night, creating a vicious cycle of staying up late, feeling tired during the day, drinking caffeine to stay alert, and then having trouble falling asleep. 

If you must have a cup of coffee or caffeinated tea, drink it earlier in the day. 

 Caffeine has a half-life of about five hours, meaning half of it is still in your system five hours after consuming it. If you drink 200 milligrams of caffeine at 4 pm, for example, you still have 100 milligrams in your system when it’s 9 pm, and you’re trying to wind down for the night.  

Reduce Alcohol Intake 

Some people think that alcohol helps them relax and fall asleep. While it can help you fall asleep faster, it also interferes with sleep quality, meaning you’ll likely wake up feeling less rested after a night of drinking. 

Mind-Body Practices for Rejuvenation 

Adding mind-body practices into your daily routine can also help you manage stress, improve sleep, and feel more energized. The following are some science-backed mind-body techniques you may want to try:  

  • Meditation: Meditation often combines breathing exercises and focusing on the present moment. Regular meditation has been shown to improve sleep quality and alertness during the day. 

  • Yoga: Yoga combines breathing with stretches, balancing exercises, and other movements. Yoga at night can promote relaxation and contribute to better sleep. In contrast, yoga during the day can increase energy and improve focus (effects vary based on the types of movements performed during a practice). 

  • Breathing exercises: Breathing exercises can also be used to encourage relaxation and improve sleep (extended exhales, in particular, are associated with reduced stress and anxiety).  

Natural Therapies and Complementary Approaches 

In addition to lifestyle changes and mind-body practices, you may want to consider some natural therapies and complementary treatments to support energy restoration further. 

Some examples of modalities a functional or holistic medicine practitioner might recommend. Keep in mind that there’s no one-size-fits-all protocol; a practitioner will work with you to develop an individualized plan that works best for your needs. 

  • Dietary Supplements: Vitamin, mineral, and other nutritional supplements can help to correct imbalances that may lead to fatigue. For example, some people with chronic fatigue see increases in energy when they supplement with vitamin B12 or folic acid.  

  • IV Therapy: Intravenous (IV) Therapy involves the direct administration of essential nutrients and minerals into the bloodstream, enhancing energy levels and overall well-being through rapid absorption.

  • Myers Drip: The Myers Drip, a specialized IV drip, offers a potent blend of vitamins and minerals to revitalize energy, support immune function, and improve health from within.

  • High Dose Vitamin C: High-dose vitamin C, delivered intravenously, acts as a powerful antioxidant, immune booster, and energy enhancer, promoting vitality and resilience.

  • Hydration: Adequate hydration, crucial for energy restoration, supports bodily functions, enhances cognitive performance, and ensures overall physiological balance.

  • Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy: Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy optimizes hormonal levels, fostering sustainable energy and well-being by addressing hormonal imbalances at their root.

  • Peptides: Peptide therapy harnesses the body's natural building blocks to regulate various functions, promoting energy restoration, mental clarity, and physical rejuvenation from a holistic perspective.

  • NAD+ Injections: Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide injections are utilized to restore a fundamental coenzyme responsible for cellular energy and DNA repair. This approach aims to promote overall well-being and vitality by supporting essential biological processes.


If you struggle with chronic fatigue, you’re not alone. You also don’t have to accept your symptoms as permanent fixtures in your life. 

A holistic approach to chronic fatigue—one that includes the techniques and lifestyle changes discussed above—can help you increase energy naturally and improve your overall sense of well-being. 

To see the best results and achieve them sooner, partner with a qualified holistic care practitioner. They will help you get to the root of your symptoms and develop a comprehensive approach to managing your chronic fatigue.  

Are you ready to get started? Schedule a free consultation with our team today.