Top 5 Stress Management Tips From a Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Danielle Friedman, LMHC

When it comes to stress, we want you to know that you’re not alone. It’s totally normal to go through periods of stress.


There is no special type of person who goes untouched. Here are our 5 best tips for managing stress during times where things are feeling like… a lot.


Productivity may be important for reaching our goals, but rest is the key to enjoying them. Whether it’s 5 minutes between meetings or a full day for yourself, rest is replenishing. If remembering to rest is challenging, try setting some reminders on your phone or putting them on your daily calendar. Your mind and body will thank you. 


When feeling joyful we are grounded in the present. We are not worrying or pressuring ourselves. We are free. Possibly the best de-stressor, doing things that bring us joy can be so energizing. 


Overcommitment is one of the highest causes for increased stress. I encourage you to take an inventory of everything you have going on right now i.e. familial duties, work, fitness etc.

Although you may want to pursue them all, it may not be possible right now. Or if it is, at what cost to you and your close circle? It’s okay to reevaluate your capacity or even desire to do certain things. We support you. 


It’s amazing how a deep breath of fresh air can feel so stabilizing. Research supports that being outside lowers blood pressure and stress hormones. We spend so much time indoors feeling stuck.

Taking a few minutes to step out of your environment and into nature can help us to remember life outside of what’s causing us stress. 


When we are particularly stressed, we tend to put aside and overlook things like eating enough nutritious food and getting enough sleep.

Eating nutrient dense foods and getting a full night sleep are known to positively support both mental and physical health. Your body knows and feels when it’s being cared for. 

Hands down, the most important way to handle stress is to give yourself extra support. It’s common to look externally for solutions to handle stress.

There are some ways to eliminate stressors externally through creating and/or setting more boundaries, but sometimes things are just hard during a moment in time. It’s in those times, you need yourself more than ever.